I could live in England. I think London is the only big city I've been to that doesn't feel...ugh, you know? It feels like a big city. It is. It's got it's own attitude but the attitude isn't obnoxious. It's expensive though.
I got to see things these past 2 days in London that I didn't the last couple times I was here. My friend Alex from Manchester came down to visit me and we went out to Hammersmith where my hostel is and we had a few pints and some dinner. I'd never been to Hammersmith before. That's in West London. So yesterday morning we met up at Trafalgar Square. My 3rd time being there but I really enjoy it. The lions. The 4th Plinth. Apparently they change what's on the 4th Plinth every 6 months or year or so. These 6 months they've been doing live performance theatre. When I got there there was a guy with a big sign that said "GIVE ME A JOB" and hanging from the plinth was a huge sheet that was his resume. It was pretty clever.
We then wandered our way to the British Museum which was cool. Really Really cool. I mean the Rosetta stone. Mummies left and right. Rooms full of mummified people and cats and birds and fish? Yeah, fish too. Jewelery from Tibet. Hats from Cameroon.

We saw an Easter Island statue man!

Cuneiform, Hieroglyphics, Traditional Chinese, Ancient Greek. I remember doing a project in 6th grade when we were studying Mesopotamia and I took clay and my dad and I spread it out on wax paper to make it look like a stone slab and we looked up Cuneiform online and picked some words and he gave me a flat head screwdriver and I pressed into this clay some real Cuneiform words, as well as a bunch of random marks.

That was 10 years ago and I still remember all these little details about it.
So it was pretty cool.
Alex even made me a mix CD cuz I'd told him how all my friend made them for me before I left. There are just some nice people out there. And I've met a lot of 'em.
PS. 1 day 9 hours.
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