Today was a soft day.
Warm and grey and drizzly and very peaceful.
I went to the Theology Faculty Library to get a book and spend some time reading. I had very mixed feelings about that library when I first went there. It's not very good looking. It's got really small rooms connected by strangely shaped hallways and the desks are in awkward places. One desk is directly in front of the window facing the street. I love that desk but it's very distracting. I can't help but look at everyone as they pass by, wondering where they're going, if they're nervous about it, how their shoes feel on their feet, and what song they're listening to on their ipod. It's not very conducive for reading about messianic expectations of first century Jews.
So I found another little desk in the second room on the ground floor. It's next to a window, but not facing it. This window is even better because there's lush green grass and a tall stone wall covered in moss and ivy and various other foliage. It instantly reminded me of The Secret Garden. That was one of my favorite books and movies when I was young.
I don't have a picture from that window yet, but chances are I'll get one on Monday when I make my weekly trip to return books and check more out. (Unfortunately, I won't be checking any more books out because my minor tutorials are over, 6 Mar 2009).
It's still a strange building and working there is still strange, too despite this single enchanting window. Needless to say the people who go there are of a strange character as well. I am certainly included in this category.
Later I discovered the attic upstairs with an unnervingly uneven staircase, low ceilings, and clumpy walls. I don't know if you can imagine clumpy walls, but think of random bulges and and varying thicknesses.
All in all, though, I like the Theology Faculty Library very much.